How to Find Dupes on DHgate (Step-by-step)
Looking for how to find dupes on DHgate? Here is a step-by-step guide to uncover the best DHgate dupes to covet.
There are 2 main ways to find designer dupes on DHgate: browse by category and search by keywords. Category search is the best way to stumble upon really good finds, you simply visit, and select a subsection under All Categories to find dupes. But with keyword search, you need a little bit more expertise.
Keep reading to learn more about these two methods. I’ve also included helpful pro tips to make your search for dupes on DHgate easier and safer.

How to Find Dupes on DHgate (2 Easy Methods)
1. How to find dupes on DHgate: Category Method
Go to
Once you’ve landed on the DHgate website homepage, you will see the All Categories section to the left. (I recommend doing this on a PC for a better experience.)
If you are looking for designer handbag dupes for example, scroll over the Bags subsection and select Fashion Bags from the flyout menu.
Once you click on Fashion Bags, you’d be greeted with a large collection of different bags that are dupes or replicas of their designer counterparts.
DHgate designer bag dupes without logos or identity prints
What you will immediately first notice is that the bags are just plain. They don’t have any prints on them or logos that tell you what designer brand they are a dupe or replica for. And if you asked why? I’d tell you…
Example of DHgate dupe bags without prints or logos
It is because majority of the sellers on DHgate deal on designer replicas which are illegal as opposed to dupes which are legal. So they photoshop their product images to evade copyright/trademark infringement and also to save their listings from being taken down. But when you order and receive the actual item, it will have the logos and prints on them.
This will look dodgy to you if you’re new to shopping at DHgate and don’t understand this phenomenon. And might even make you scroll right past and miss some really great dupe finds you were interested in.
So you ask, how do I know the best DHgate designer dupe listing to buy then? This leads us right to my first tip for you.
Tip 1: Higher number of orders + positive reviews (with pictures) = good dupe
The higher the number of orders an item has sold may not necessarily mean the dupe is a good one. But then the item will have a greater chance of receiving enough customer reviews that you can base your own judgment on.
So from the reviews what I personally look out for is:
- positive reviews with pictures. This is one of the ways you get to know what the actual item you’d be receiving looks like.
- if they received the product. You can know that the seller is not a scammer when multiple reviewers say their product was delivered to them.
- if they were happy with their purchase. You don’t want to spend around one month waiting for an item you’d want to return on arrival and claim a refund.
Tip 2: Ask the seller for photos before you buy when unsure
In pro tip 1 above, I told you I personally would buy only from sellers with more orders & reviews. But what if you wanted an item so badly, and all the sellers that kept coming up were those new in business, having little to no rating, orders, and reviews?!
What I’d do is ask the seller for pictures before buying. This is important for two reasons:
- You’ll see the exact product. It’s the second way to know what the actual item you’d be receiving looks like.
- Guarantees buyer protection. If the product you receive is different from the picture the seller sent, open a case and DHgate will refund your money.
2. How to find dupes on DHgate: Keyword Search
Another way to find designer dupes on DHgate is searching with keywords. But you can’t just type in the name of a famous brand on DHgate website and expect dupes to show up, it doesn’t work that way. What you should do instead is search with the special terms for finding that brand on DHgate.
To illustrate this, I will show you below the right vs. wrong way to search for dupes handbags on DHgate by popular designer, Chanel.
WRONG KEYWORDS: Chanel Handbags
RIGHT KEYWORDS: “CC fashion handbags” or “double C luxury handbags”
Again, the key is to know what search terms or keyword phrases DHgate sellers are using to list dupes or replicas for any particular brand.
Personally, when I use these keywords I do a little bit of modification to it. Sometimes I may throw in the year too. But by playing with a mixture of the terms you will be amazed at the dupes you’ll uncover. And from there, I allow the domino effect to take over to find more dupe items. This leads us right to my next tip for you.
Tip 3: Allow the DHgate search domino effect to
lead you is a master at throwing highly related products recommendations at shoppers. Once you’ve used one of the methods we’ve discussed so far in successfully tracking down a dupe item you’re interested in, DHgate bombards you with so many more similar products that probably may be better than the current item you’re looking at.
So when you’re looking at an item, I’d scroll down to the:
- Compare with similar Items section: Where you’d discover 4 other related items in a table comparing prices & other features side-by-side.
- More Choices section: Which shows you even more items both from the brand you’re looking at & other brands.
- You May Also Like section: A great place to stumble on cuter stuff that you’d love from other famous brands.
3. How to find dupes on DHgate: Reverse Image Search
Another option to find dupes on DHgate is the reverse image search. All you do is grab a screenshot of the item, open up the DHgate mobile app, and upload the image using the camera icon beside the search bar. 7 out of 10 times, it’s going to pop up with the exact dupe you were looking for.
To illustrate this, I have taken a screenshot of this Louis Vuitton handbag you see below. I got it from Pinterest and uploaded it in the DHgate mobile app search field.
And as you can see below I got dozens of positive hits from this singular image search by simply allowing DHgate do the work for me.
Note that this function only works on the DHgate mobile app at this time.
Tip 4: You get what you pay for
You’ll notice when you apply the methods I’ve shared with you to find dupes on DHgate, a lot of the same items show up but at different price points. Yes, it means what you’re thinking. The more expensive an item is, the closer to the authentic you would receive.
A more expensive dupe may mean your item could be of higher quality, come in better packaging, probably in a dust bag, carry an authenticity tag, etc.
Whereas the opposite could be the case when you order a listing that was less expensive.
How to find Designer Dupes on DHgate: Conclusion
That’s how to find designer dupes and replicas on DHgate.
You will now be able to look for similar styles for any designer item you spot online, quickly and easily…
… but more importantly at an affordable price tag.
Happy shopping!

Article by
Glamour Nosk
Hi, my name is Glamour I’m a tailor by profession and I love designer items. Whenever I’m not making a new dress, I’m on the internet shopping for dupes of expensive designers and I share most of my finds with you on this blog.